Everything you need to know about liposuction
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure at Victoria Park Medispa is used to refine and better proportion certain areas of the body, improving the overall appearance of the silhouette.
It can be performed on various areas, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, flanks, and hips, and even the double chin. To be a candidate for this now widely popular treatment, one must be in good health and have sufficiently elastic skin.
Conditions that can be treated with liposuction
At Victoria Park Medispa, liposuction is used to treat various conditions caused by excess fat that affect body aesthetics. These include localized fat deposits such as buffalo hump, double chin, cellulite, and love handles. Liposuction targets these fat accumulations that do not respond to weight loss efforts, helping to create a slimmer and more toned silhouette. Additionally, the procedure is not limited to aesthetic benefits, as it can also improve blood circulation, particularly in the treated areas.
Indeed, by removing excess fatty tissue, circulation is optimized, facilitating better distribution of nutrients and oxygen. This improvement contributes to the overall health of organs and strengthens the immune system by helping to eliminate toxins. By reducing the pressure exerted by excess weight on veins, liposuction can also decrease the visibility of varicose veins, alleviating some circulation problems related to fat accumulation.
Body areas that can be treated with liposuction
Liposuction is offered by the medical-aesthetic health professionals at Victoria Park Medispa for different parts of the body to harmonize body aesthetics. With the exception of the legs (Victoria Park Medispa does not offer knee, calf, or ankle liposuction), this procedure is often performed in medical-aesthetic clinics to improve the definition of flanks, thighs, arms, abdomen, or back. Flank liposuction aims to reduce excess fat, refine, and improve their contour, while thigh liposuction focuses on the inner and outer parts to give them a more slender appearance.
The procedure targeting the outer thigh area, commonly referred to as saddlebags, allows for a more balanced silhouette. Arm liposuction removes fat deposits for a firmer and more sculpted contour. Finally, abdominal liposuction is effective for achieving a flatter, more toned stomach with defined contours. Back liposuction reduces fat deposits in the upper and lower back, improving the definition of the torso and waist contours.
Modern Treatment Areas at Victoria Park Medispa
Victoria Park Medispa offers a wide range of body treatments to improve the appearance of areas whose aesthetics do not satisfy their owner. For many people, at least one part of their body can be a source of insecurity, which can affect their confidence in their physical appearance as well as their mental well-being. Fortunately, advances in the field of medical-aesthetic interventions offer effective solutions to address these concerns.
- Aesthetic buttocks
- Aesthetic lips
- Aesthetic thighs
- Thighs without saddlebags
- Aesthetic arms
- Aesthetic legs
- Aesthetic face
- Aesthetic eyes and eyelids
- Aesthetic underarms
- Aesthetic abdomen
- Aesthetic neck and décolletage
- Aesthetic intimate area
- Aesthetic back
- Aesthetic hands
- Aesthetic ears
- Aesthetic eyebrows
- Aesthetic skin tone and texture
Liposculpture is an advanced liposuction technique, which can also be combined with it. This procedure not only removes excess fat but also sculpts and shapes the body to achieve more defined and harmonious contours. This surgical procedure offered at Victoria Park Medispa is particularly useful for refining and enhancing certain areas of the body, creating a more natural and proportionate appearance. Liposculpture is often preferred by those seeking even more visible results, as it is more precise and personalized.
Cost of Liposuction
The cost of liposuction at Victoria Park Medispa varies depending on several factors, including the extent of the area to be treated and the complexity of the procedure. For example, the price for abdominal liposuction will be higher than that of double chin liposuction. The fees generally include the medical professional’s fees, clinic and anesthesia fees, as well as postoperative care. On average, the price of liposuction ranges between $3,000 and $7,500 + taxes. In any case, it is important to consult a professional at Victoria Park Medispa to obtain an accurate estimate and discuss available financing options.
Liposuction Before and After
Before and after photos of liposuction at Victoria Park Medispa show a notable transformation of the treated areas. These images illustrate the effectiveness of the procedure in sculpting the silhouette and achieving more harmonious body contours. They help potential patients visualize possible physical changes. However, it is crucial to remember that results may vary depending on the individual and their specific body characteristics. Interested individuals, whether men or women, must set realistic expectations and discuss precise goals with healthcare professionals.
Methods and Support
Liposuction uses different methods to treat excess fat, each with its own advantages. Among the common techniques are traditional liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction, all of which allow for precise targeting of fat deposits for removal. These new, highly precise methods ensure faster recovery and minimal scarring. It is important to note that proper preparation before the procedure and rigorous follow-up after the operation are essential to minimize risks and maximize results. The combination of modern technologies and the expertise of aesthetic medicine professionals at Victoria Park Medispa ensures a safe and effective procedure.
Coolsculpting vs Liposuction
Coolsculpting and liposuction offer two distinct approaches available at Victoria Park Medispa for body fat reduction. Coolsculpting is a non-invasive method that freezes fat cells and differs from liposuction by the absence of surgery. Its results appear gradually, which may require several sessions. On the other hand, liposuction, which is a surgical procedure, allows for significant fat removal in a single session, although the recovery time is longer. Each technique has its own indications and can be chosen based on the patient’s goals and preferences.
Liposuction Areas
Victoria Park Medispa offers fat removal for different liposuction areas on the body, such as the chin, abdomen, thighs, arms, hips, back, and even the chest, for both men and women. Each area presents unique challenges and requires a specific approach to achieve optimal results. A consultation with an experienced healthcare professional at Victoria Park Medispa is essential to determine the best treatment options based on individual possibilities and needs.
Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction offers several benefits, including significant improvement in body contour and self-esteem. Indeed, by removing stubborn fat, this procedure at Victoria Park Medispa allows for a more sculpted and proportionate body. The results can also restore confidence in individuals who lived with insecurities and no longer dared to reveal certain parts of their body. In addition to these benefits, liposuction can help resolve health issues related to excess fat, such as improved blood circulation and reduced pressure on joints. This new appearance can also motivate patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle to maintain their new look.
Why are small-caliber cannulas preferred?
Is the procedure painful?
As for the procedure itself, it is painless since the fat is completely frozen. Several patients have compared the experience to a massage. During the operation, we chat as if nothing were happening. After liposuction, the local anesthesia keeps the patient comfortable for 18 to 24 hours, then some sensitivity persists for a week or two. Painkillers are then prescribed.
Is anesthesia necessary?
Who should be refused for liposuction?
Obviously, one must be in good health to undergo liposuction. Since it is a purely aesthetic procedure, it would be foolish to risk one’s health to look better.
Therefore, patients with liver or kidney problems will be refused due to the large amounts of medication involved, which are eliminated by these organs. Similarly, diabetic patients or those suffering from abnormal bleeding or heart disorders.
But the least suitable candidates for liposuction are psychologically immature individuals, those with unrealistic expectations, who demand absolute guarantees, who want to return to their 20s, who hope for the impossible, who do not understand the purpose or limits of liposuction, who want to look like this or that movie star. I also distrust impolite and disrespectful patients towards my staff, who are meek in front of the doctor, as this is a very bad sign.
Can one drink and smoke after liposuction?
Are results visible quickly?
Can one take baths after liposuction?
What about scars?
Does the treated person have to stop working?
Can a lot of fat be removed?
Should one follow a diet before?
What medications should one take in preparation for liposuction?
When can one resume exercise?
Aerobic exercise can gradually resume after two weeks. Of course, it all depends on the extent of the liposuction. It is enough to listen to one’s body and act accordingly. Significant efforts should be avoided for 4 weeks.
What happens if one gains weight after liposuction?
What kind of pain follows liposuction?
The issue of pain is very rarely raised, and painkillers are very effective. I have noted that the more the patient ardently desired this liposuction, the less it hurt afterward. It is not uncommon to have a feeling of numbness in the liposculpted areas. This always resolves after a few weeks or months.
What about sexual activities?
Can all the fat be removed?
Anyone could remove all the fat, but removing just what is needed, and especially leaving just what is needed, is where the excellent liposculptor is recognized. Removing almost nothing to play it safe is hardly better, as the patient will be dissatisfied and often will have to have the procedure redone.
Can multiple areas be reshaped at once?
Take the case of an average-weight person in good health. We often treat three sites during the same procedure, for example: the saddlebags, the flanks, and the inner thigh.
Will there be bruising?
Is healing fast?
Is it necessary to apply compression dressings?
How does the skin react after liposuction?
Much better than after a weight loss program. Indeed, the liposuction cannula irritates the subcutaneous tissues, causing a significant healing reaction that tightens the skin: this is called biostimulation.
It is important to remember that it is the fat that makes the skin sag, not the other way around. Once the fat is removed, the skin naturally wants to retract. Of course, in extreme cases where the elastic tissue is destroyed, the skin may not fully retract. Apart from these rare cases, which are carefully explained to the patient beforehand, the skin will look completely normal.
In that case, why do people regain weight after a weight loss program?
Because a diet empties fat cells but does not eliminate a single one. The fat cell (adipocyte) is genetically programmed to fill with fat; that is its sole purpose, its only reason for existing. This is why, according to statistics, obese individuals regain weight in 95% of cases. If you simply empty it, the fat cell becomes, so to speak, “destabilized.” To truly address it, it must be permanently removed, which is what liposuction does.
Does the removed fat come back?
No, because the fat cells are also removed, and fat cannot “settle” if there are no fat cells to receive it. For example, no one gains weight on their forehead because there are no fat cells there. However, it should be noted that the few fat cells left for aesthetic purposes can swell after liposuction, but never to the point of reforming the fat that was removed. To be more precise, if your fat was 3 inches thick and only ¼ inch was left, it is possible, in case of weight gain, to end up with ½ inch, which is far from the previous 3 inches.
Is it beneficial for an obese person?
Liposuction is not a treatment for generalized obesity but rather for localized obesity, called adiposity. It is not intended to make you lose weight but rather inches. However, people with moderate obesity can greatly benefit from it. It is worth noting that liposuction can sometimes be the starting point for natural weight loss in obese individuals, with very little effort. This is known as the “starter effect.”
Among the benefits for obese individuals, liposuction can improve respiratory comfort, sleep, and undoubtedly bring a tremendous boost of hope and energy.
Does liposuction eliminate cellulite?
A question that comes up every day. Even though we cannot guarantee the disappearance of cellulite, we can predict that it will almost certainly improve, as the tissues, being less tense, will be less prone to the appearance of orange peel skin.
Can you go out in the sun?
It is preferable to avoid sun exposure as long as there are bruises, which is about two weeks, to avoid any risk of staining.
Can you undergo multiple liposuctions?
Of course, if there are many areas to treat. For example, the trunk, then the thighs, then the arms and calves, the buttocks, etc. I have sometimes seen four liposuctions on the same person.
Should liposuction be done before or after pregnancy?
Most people consult after pregnancy, but there is no objection to doing it before. On the contrary, the skin and muscles will be of better quality, and the results will be even better, especially if the patient gains excessive weight during pregnancy.
Is there a special diet after liposuction?
What complications can occur?
They are very rare and most often due to the doctor’s inexperience.
- Hematoma or seroma. This is a slight accumulation of blood or fluid that causes a small elevation just under the skin. The treatment involves removing this fluid with a needle. It leaves no trace.
- Bruising or swelling of the treated areas. This is temporary and without consequences.
- Pain, itching, or discomfort.
It should be noted that these symptoms are normal after any surgical procedure and are very manageable. They disappear quickly and respond well to painkillers.
- Changes in sensitivity in the treated areas. These are rare, can last a few months, and always disappear eventually.
- Infection is very, very rare because the xylocaine used to numb the tissues has a germicidal effect. Additionally, antibiotics are always given as a preventive measure.
- Not enough fat may have been removed to the patient’s or doctor’s satisfaction. It is very easy to go back and finish the job, but you must wait six months. This is still rare.
- Removing too much fat is more complicated because fat must be reinjected. This complication is extremely rare for an experienced doctor.
- More serious and extremely rare complications are explained in the documentation given to patients during the preliminary visit.
In summary, liposuction, compared to any other cosmetic surgery, has very few complications.
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