As we have demonstrated, thanks to the tumescent method developed by Klein, liposuction has become a surgical procedure performed on a regular basis, with very few complications, minimal blood loss, and very interesting aesthetic results.
Patients of all ages and sizes will come for consultations hoping that liposuction will eliminate their insecurities. Moreover, with Gasparotti’s superficial technique, even aging skin with reduced elasticity can benefit from this procedure and achieve beautiful results, with or without clothing.
Tumescent liposuction can wonderfully correct fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. For example, no diet or exercise will eliminate saddlebags; they will rather reduce the entire thigh, maintaining its shape, which will leave the inherited flaw intact. Furthermore, those who resort to excessive diets to eliminate these stubborn fat deposits may face serious health consequences.
On this subject, journalist Liliane Lacroix wrote in La Presse on October 21, 2001: “Even if many of them will be on a diet their entire lives, women obsessed with the desire to lose weight, or to maintain the weight they have finally achieved through deprivation, effort, and small miseries, will likely never experience the terrible extremes of anorexia nervosa. But it is probable that they will have spent years mistreating a body that did not deserve such treatment and which may not fail to rebel one day. By maintaining an unnatural dream, many simply miss out on their own lives.”
Young adult males have 15% body fat, while young females easily have 30%; this proportion is lower in athletes. In young women, if body fat drops below 22%, menstruation stops; below 17%, they become infertile. Moreover, superhuman efforts to eliminate these “out-of-circuit” fat deposits can lead to psychological disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
Here are examples of actresses whose weight is below normal:
BMI stands for Body Mass Index (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), with the normal range being between 20 and 25. Thus, 100 kilograms for 1.80 meters (100 divided by 3.24) will give a BMI of 30. Fats, depending on their location in the human body, will respond differently to caloric restrictions. Some fat reserves are mobilized faster than others. For example, a study on diet and exercise in obese women showed that the fats that respond the fastest are located in the abdomen, which is still good news. This location is partly explained by the different composition of fat depending on its location in the human body. Thus, abdominal fat contains more saturated fatty acids than saddlebag fat, by comparison. Therefore, different fats respond differently to caloric restriction or excess.
This means, and this is major information, that in certain areas of the body, the fat cell is genetically programmed to “retain its fat at all costs.” But rest assured, liposuction will solve this problem once and for all, as it removes not only the fat but also this poorly programmed fat cell that clings to the “buttocks” or elsewhere. Without a fat cell to receive it, the fat cannot return.
When considering liposuction, the consultation with the doctor will be crucial. It is important that the patient clearly expresses which parts of their anatomy they dislike and why. It is essential that expectations are well explained to avoid disappointment. However, some patients will never be satisfied with the results. I believe that sometimes it is primarily a matter of self-acceptance. When a person does not love themselves and has an image problem, fearing self-love, the perception work falls under another specialty, regardless of the results. These people will find fault with a small skin blemish or will position themselves in an extravagant way that reveals a dip or bump that would otherwise be invisible. This kind of dissatisfaction fortunately accounts for only a small percentage of clients. For the majority of cases, there will be strong motivation and realistic expectations.
The various bumps or lumps found on the body are not 100% fat: they contain muscles and bones that will not change after liposuction. This must be explained and understood, as a disappointed patient will talk to 21 people, while a satisfied patient will only confide in 7 people. And perhaps even fewer when it comes to liposuction, as most people prefer to be believed naturally thin, not surgically altered, as I often hear for “Cher.”