Just as some plants prefer shade and others light, fat establishes its preferences for certain areas of the body. First of all, fat has a predilection for the abdomen, especially in women after pregnancies, but also in men, as they approach andropause.
In my practice, the abdomen is the most frequent area for liposuction, and beautiful results are possible even with the beginning of a fatty apron. In women, fat also settles in the outer part of the thigh, which has given rise to the expression: saddlebags. This flaw is seen in overweight women but also affects slim women, who often see it as their only defect. Liposuction brings great satisfaction here. Very often, this prominence is accompanied by a flank or an exaggerated hip (love handle), which creates the violin-shaped deformity. Again, liposuction generally leads to excellent results, generating great satisfaction, especially when wearing clothes that suit these silhouettes.
The woman who could never find the right clothes, pants, or skirts, will now be able to shop in ready-to-wear and be delighted with the image reflected in her mirror. One of them even told me with astonishment that her gait had changed.
The chin is also another site very favored by fat. This often results in a double chin deformity.
Another small area that seems insignificant but frustrates many is located at the level of the armpits. Indeed, the fat that spills over the bra and protrudes on either side of the straps causes a lot of frustration. Fortunately, liposuction easily corrects this inconvenience. When I perform liposuction on the trunk, I always finish with this fatty area, which is as useless as it is unpleasant.
We will have the opportunity to go into detail, with results to support, the different preferred sites of fat where the change that liposuction can bring is impressive. Allow me to mention other possibilities: the inner knees, the upper-inner thigh, what I call the bulge, and finally, the posterior part of the arm, where fat likes to proliferate. No matter the location of this fat that bothers you, discussing it with a professional will enlighten you on the possibilities of making it disappear.