No one doubts that the way fat is distributed in each individual will determine their “body image” in an unimaginable way. This, fashion professionals have understood for a long time, and since a slim and elongated body is easier to dress, they have imposed this model on us with a great deal of advertising.
The immense popularity of liposuction largely comes from the fact that it makes people dream of this model and also because it not only removes fat but especially its container, the famous fat cell responsible for the silhouette, because without it, fat can no longer invade us, if you allow me the expression.
Depending on its distribution on the body, the fat cell will give a feminine or masculine image. But we should rather say: gynoid shape and android shape, since each sex can take on both forms. Indeed, some women can be android: small thighs and rounded belly, while some men can be gynoid, meaning having large thighs and rounded buttocks.
When obesity is concentrated in the lower part of the body, we get the typical gynoid shape of women, responsible for saddlebags and violin deformity. If obesity is located in the trunk, we will have the android shape responsible for large bellies, beer bellies, and fatty aprons.
Since we know that after puberty, the number of fat cells stops growing, it is especially before puberty that it will be important to have a balanced diet to avoid an “overpopulation” of these little fat factories, which will lead to hyperplastic obesity, that is, obesity caused by too many fat cells. If you have an incalculable number of these cells, the fight against obesity will be a lifelong struggle, and with heredity helping, you will have a greater chance of developing disgraces such as saddlebags, a large belly, love handles, and other localized excesses. Since at a young age, diet depends on parents, they will be largely responsible for the consequences we describe.
After puberty, the number of fat cells remains fixed, but they can fill more or less with fat, which makes all the difference. At this point, we speak of hypertrophic obesity. The fat cells are in a reasonable number, but they are filled to full capacity with fat. A person on a diet for a long period of time will eventually lose weight everywhere, while retaining their hereditary model, such as saddlebags. But if the diet only lasts a week, which is often the case, only the belly fat will be attacked and will begin to decrease, because it is this fat that reacts first to weight loss, since the metabolism is more important there. Studies have shown that the fat located on the outer part of the thigh will not only start to melt much later in the diet but will even develop a resistance to weight loss. Moreover, the fatty acids that make up this “out of circuit” fat differ chemically from other body fats.
This is why we have found that only liposuction can get rid of saddlebags. Weight loss not only allows only a temporary result but will also leave pre-existing deformities in place, albeit smaller.
Some people, even thin ones, present dysharmonies in their silhouette such as the “violin deformity,” which is unbearable to them. However, it must be added in their defense that the fashion of tight-fitting clothes or with body-hugging fabrics excessively highlights certain small defects, making them even more visible and unpleasant.